Last minute honeymoon

First of all– don’t panic. We’ve lost track of the number of calls we’ve taken that’ve started “I told my fiancée the honeymoon was a surprise. The surprise is, we’re getting married in a couple of weeks, and I haven’t booked anything yet…” With all the years of experience that we have in arranging honeymoons in Africa, the main thing we’ve learnt is that there’s always a way to make a plan.  There are a few general pointers that we have:

Be flexible– if you’re keen on a specific hotel or experience, we’ll always try to get it for you, even at very short notice. However, the best way to plan at this stage is to think of general concepts- safari and beach, luxury chilling out, glossy luxury or barefoot R&R. This’ll give us the most chance of finding you something amazing.

Be prepared to spend to get what you want- If you’re lucky enough to be planning a last minute honeymoon at low season- lucky you! We’ll have the freedom to shop around for the lodges and camps that are the best value, and airline deals can be generous even very late in the day. However, at most times of year, if you wait until the last minute, flights fill up and get more expensive, and the lodges that are known to be a great deal get booked up. We’ll always try to find you the best price, no matter when you book your honeymoon, but if you’re booking at the last minute (in safari terms, this is anything under a couple of months beforehand, longer in peak season), be prepared for costs to start at about £4,500 per person.

Call us- A short phone call can rapidly put your mind at rest and give you confidence that someone else is taking care of at least the honeymoon portion of your wedding “to-do” list. With our years of experience, we’ll easily be able to give you some idea of what’s achievable. Just give us your wish list and practical limitations, and leave the rest up to us. Alex’s direct number is 0207 097 1807.

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