In Betweens

Children that aren’t quite old enough to set off under their own steam, but are big enough not to need babying, are at our favourite age to introduce to Africa.  Don’t bundle them up in game drive vehicles for hours on end- sitting still and being quiet is just too much like school.

Instead, we’ve checked out a number of camps that have a fantastic range of children’s activities (mainly in Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa). Send yours off with a Maasai warrior to paint their faces with mud and make a bow and arrow from scratch. Give budding explorers their own box to collect things in, and a checklist to tick them off on. Send them off on a “poo safari”, tracking animals by their dung, and if it all gets too much send them off into the kitchens to bake cookies in the shape of their favourite animal.

Be sure to pick somewhere with a pool so your bush babies can burn off steam,  and if you’re interested, visit a local village where they can meet children of their own age.

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