Where to go in Africa in March

Extraordinary Africa>The Africa Calendar>March

Visit Kenya or Tanzania in the shoulder season. Here you’re edging into the green season- such a fringe time puts off the mainstream tourist so while the game viewing’s still impressive, you’ll have gloriously empty parks and camps, meaning the guides can devote themselves to you, and rock bottom prices. Weather at this time makes the salt-lake parks like Amboseli and Lake Manyara particularly lovely. Photographers in particular will love the moments just after the rain falls and clears the dust from the air.

In Botswana, enjoy fantastic game viewing in the Central Kalahari, as the rains provide fresh grazing for the plains game.

Hit the steamy tropical coast of KwaZulu Natal and look out for turtles hatching on Indian Ocean beaches.

In the Quirimbas and northern Mozambique, look out for spinner dolphins and make sure to try your hand at fishing- this one of the best months for deep-sea fishing, in particular for catching tuna.

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